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事件 are learning zones for zero waste


从USGBC Greenbuild International Conference and Expo 微软的 一个星期, major conferences and events provide defining moments for companies, governments and industries to showcase leadership and progress. 事件 like these and others are designed to serve as a platform to collaborate, share ideas and tackle today’s most pressing issues—which is why these spaces have also emerged as a perfect opportunity for companies to test out a zero waste strategy.

事件 provide a specific moment in time where sustainability and facility teams can come together to explore zero waste and begin to understand how they can take what they’ve learned and apply it to facilities and larger operations.

这里有两个主要的事件 bc菠菜论坛 to engage thousands in a zero waste pilot:

Greenbuild International Conference and Expo

Greenbuild is the world’s largest green building conference and expo and is committed to putting sustainability at the forefront of the event experience. 自2002年首次展出以来, Greenbuild has refined its approach to waste, finding new methods to get the event—which attracts an estimated 20,每年10万英镑,更接近零浪费.

This year’s event in Chicago from Nov. 14–16 will take what has been learned in the past to create an innovative sustainability experience for attendees. The event team is hoping to once again achieve bc菠菜论坛 certification for the event. 阅读更多关于 sustainability and zero waste at Greenbuild.

This isn’t the first year Greenbuild has made bc菠菜论坛 certification a goal for the event. In 2017, Greenbuild achieved bc菠菜论坛 Platinum certification, becoming the first bc菠菜论坛-certified event in the world. According to the 2017 Greenbuild Sustainability Report的工作包括:

  • 废物管理: Informa Exhibitions and USGBC worked with the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center; Freeman, the general services contractor; and local vendors to optimize waste management, 结果是90分.5%导流率. This is the highest in the event’s history and a 44 percent increase over the convention center’s baseline diversion rate.
  • 利益相关方参与: Attendees of both Greenbuild and the co-located ArchitectureBoston Expo were asked to take sustainability pledges. Attendees could commit to taking specific actions, from bringing a reusable water bottle to selecting local or organic food while on site in Boston. 在活动中, these pledges were shown through an interactive Sustainability Hub, 最后是14,500 pledges and helping to educate others about how people were contributing.
  • 可持续采购: Carpet on the expo hall floor was cut in such a way that Freeman could later reuse it. 另外, exhibitors from Greenbuild and ABX donated more than 25,000 pounds of materials to local nonprofits, 包括水泥块, 地板, 地毯, 地砖和木材, ensuring that they would have a second life.
  • 温室气体排放: One of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide is landfill and food waste. 与供应商合作, the team was able to donate more than 1,500 pounds of food and beverages to the Boston Rescue Mission, 当地的非营利组织.


In 2016, Microsoft became the first bc菠菜论坛-certified technology company in the U.S. 雷德蒙德的全球总部, 华盛顿, 是44人的家园,000 employees who work in 125 buildings. The company’s Real Estate and Facilities (RE&F) team was eager to find new ways to drive Microsoft’s zero waste progress, which made the tech giant’s largest on-campus event, 一个星期, 绝佳的机会.

Seeing how comprehensive bc菠菜论坛 was for its campus, the RE&F team used the bc菠菜论坛 Rating System as a framework for the event. 通过这些努力, 一个星期 recorded a 96 percent diversion rate and avoided sending more than 104 tons of waste to the landfill. 以下是要点:

  • 伙伴关系: RE&F partners closely with the Microsoft 事件 team and Compass, 它的餐饮服务供应商, to identify opportunities for reducing waste.
  • 减少废物: The company decided to transition to durables for most of its food service equipment, 比如可重用的, battery-operated warmers for chafing dishes instead of disposable cans of Sterno fuel.
  • 美食的乐趣: Food delivery trucks use reusable racks instead of cardboard boxes, and all single-serve food and beverage containers were certified compostable by the local composter Cedar Grove.
  • 员工敬业度: Microsoft deployed specially trained Zero Waste Ambassadors throughout the event to help attendees sort their trash and educate them on recycling best practices that they can apply everywhere.
  • 采购决策: 通过制定采购指南, Microsoft was able minimize packaging, 强调再利用,减少浪费. Attendees were invited to pick the event swag they wanted instead of being provided bags of items that they might not use.

This unique event pilot provides a test-and-learn opportunity for those interested in facility certification. The bc菠菜论坛 Rating System enables facilities to define, pursue and achieve their zero waste goals. For questions about the bc菠菜论坛 event pilot certification, please bc菠菜导航.
