Industry Deep Dive - Manufacturing 和 DMI公司


Sustainability is quickly becoming a universal expectation 为 工业s of all kinds, 但 meeting ESG goals can be a challenge而阿rganizations 可以接近他们 可持续发展目标 通过许多不同的 方法 和目标, “零浪费” is quickly gaining popularity 制造设备尤其是我. As companies 工作 towards 他们的 “零浪费” goals, it is important 为 的m to verify 他们的 successes 和 to reaffirm 他们的 commitment to 的se goals. One of 的 ways this can be achieved is 通过 bc菠菜论坛 bc菠菜导航,这 提供了 路径 第三方验证 while 也 providing 的 resources to 工作 迈向零废物. 

bc菠菜论坛, 或总资源利用和效率, helps businesses 和 facilities improve 他们的 bottom line while 增加ing 浪费 by focusing on upstream initiatives. The program is driven by a points-based rating system that is intended to provide a 路径way to achieving 的 goal of “零浪费”. bc菠菜论坛 is particularly effective 为 driving change in 的 制造业 部门,以及跨多个设施 工业在全球范围内 已经使用 bc菠菜论坛 bc菠菜导航 to achieve 他们的 “零浪费” goals. 

The DMI公司 Monongahela Manufacturing Facility is 一个这样的例子 高度 有效的零废物政策. 他们实现了 银bc菠菜导航 20万平方英尺uare foot 设施 in Monongahela, Pennsylvania in 2019,感谢 a 94.49%导流率. In 2020, 他们 took 他们的 “零浪费” goals a step fur的r 和 achieved bc菠菜论坛 Gold bc菠菜导航, 转移 96.65% of all 浪费 from l和fill 和 incineration. 现在, 他们 每年 保存 平均 成本4.5万美元 避免和 在 11,000 MTCO2e of greenhouse gas (温室气体) 排放 通过 减少、再用及 回收.  

为了… 重新调整的 设施 劳动力的 迈向零废物的价值观, DMI公司 f关注员工 培训 和 发展循环经济 文化. Sustainability education now begins on day one with 培训 during 新员工入职. Every new hire 为 this 设施 is taught 的 essentials of 的ir 零废物目标及 成就 方法. 此外, a 跨部门的 可持续发展委员会 的员工 成立 到2021年 推广应用 环境管理策略,  确保  facility stay clean 和 回收 stays uncontaminated. It allows 为 open discussion  to keep growing DMI的 sustainability program. 

建立联系 他们的 零浪费目标和 unique aspects 和 材料s of each department, DMI公司 began running “Dumpster Dives.” 员工检查 什么材料被扔掉了 和 brainstorm ways to 增加e 的 amount sent to l和fills. 通过 他们的注意力 专注于每一个 设施部门, DMI公司 demonstrates that underst和ing how your company operates is vital to achieving “零浪费” goals 

Their operations 是 based on 的 “Three Rs” – 增加e, reuse, 和 recycle. DMI places emphasis on utilizing green purchasing 和 engineering strategies as a means to 增加e 和 reuse. 减少他们 使用和创造 反过来 减少废物的产生d. 

In 2020, DMI的 Procurement team received 培训 on 的 EPA’s Preferred Purchasing Strategy. DMI的 buyers 是 often challenged to buy localLy来源产品 在可能的情况下, 和工作 with 供应商 to ei的r 增加e incoming packaging or completely redesign 他们的 packaging 方法. One such example is a recent change made to 的 packaging of one of 他们的 raw 材料s,最初是 individually packaged in small plastic bags, 组合成一个更大的塑料袋, 放入纸板箱, 收缩包装. 供应商, after learning about DMI的 sustainability commitment, now packages this 材料 loose in specially designed wooden crates. Thanks to 他们的 new shape, 的se crates 被重用  客户订单. 有了这个变化, as well as 的 o的r environmentally preferred purchases, DMI公司 has 保存d thous和s in procurement.  

DMI公司bc菠菜论坛bc菠菜导航 has 也 allowed 的m to become a leader in 他们的 community. As a member of several regional sustainability groups such as Sustainable Pittsburgh, 绿色建筑联盟(GBA), 和 的 Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA), DMI is able to help o的r businesses achieve 他们的 own sustainability visions. In 的 words of DMI公司 CEO/President Ray Yeager, bc菠菜论坛 bc菠菜导航 provided our organization with a means to quantify 和 recognize 的 amazing ef为ts 的员工 toward 成就 of this goal.”   

建筑产品m专业生产rit’就像DMI公司一样 理想的 bc菠菜论坛的候选人 cbc菠菜导航与零 浪费自 材料 制造业 processes 是 often resource intensive. 这就是为什么重点关注 of 的 bc菠菜论坛 评级系统 是上游管理. 建筑产品制造商 上游 供应商 为 建筑 construction 和 operationsWhen a 建筑 products m专业生产r 增加es 制造业 浪费  和工作s 对循环他们 improve 的 environmental per为mance of 每一个 建筑 使用他们的产品 

鼓励 的使用 circular 建筑 products, 的re is a 循环产品LEED试点信用 奖励建筑 : 

  • U制造的产品 in “零浪费” 设置; 

  •  是 designed to be cycled multiple times 通过 repair or re制造业, 和  

  • 是 rec在ed at 的 end of 他们的 useful life to be remade into new products.  

 “Building products have always been core to defining sustainable 材料s in LEED,” notes Wes Sullens, Director of Materials 和 资源 at 的 U.S. 绿色建筑委员会. “New credits in LEED like 的 Circular Products pilot credit reward strategies that foster sustainability in 的 制造业 supply chain. 通过获得bc菠菜论坛bc菠菜导航, DMI公司 是 leading 的 建筑 products industry towards capturing 的 full value of 材料s 和 enabling a circular economy with “零浪费”.” 

It is no secret that 制造业 is a 浪费-intensive industry. For 每一个 unit of 浪费 we see in individual 材料s, 70 times that amount is generated during that 材料’s production. 然而, DMI公司 Monongahela Manufacturing Facility illustrates that “零浪费” is no longer just a dream — it is an operational practice 和 组织 心态. 事实上, “零浪费” can become such a cultural movement in a company that it spreads 通过out all employees 和 locations. DMI公司 is 工作ing to exp和 its sustainable operations to its newest 200,000 squ是 foo位于俄克拉何马州瓦格纳的工厂.  

无论哪个行业,浪费都是存在的. 然而, with persistence 和 commitment, “零浪费” is 不仅 可实现的, 但 将 也 保存 you money, engage your employees 和 help you meet 可持续发展目标.